Thursday, August 5, 2021

Robynne Chutkan The Microbiome Solution pdf

The Microbiome Solution

par Robynne Chutkan
The Microbiome Solution

Robynne Chutkan The Microbiome Solution pdf - Le grand livre écrit par Robynne Chutkan vous devriez lire est The Microbiome Solution. Je suis sûr que vous allez adorer le sujet à l'intérieur de The Microbiome Solution. Vous aurez assez de temps pour lire toutes les pages 337 dans votre temps libre. Le fabricant qui a sorti ce beau livre est Robynne Chutkan. Obtenez le The Microbiome Solution maintenant, vous ne serez pas déçu par le contenu. Vous pouvez télécharger The Microbiome Solution à votre ordinateur avec des étapes modestes.

The author of Gutbliss and one of today’s preeminent gastroenterologists distils the latest research on the microbiome into a practical program for boosting overall health.
The microbiome — the collective name for the trillions of bacteria that live in our gut — is today’s hottest medical topic. Synthesising the latest findings, Dr Robynne Chutkan explains how the standard Western diet and lifestyle are starving our microbiome, depleting the ‘good bugs’ that keep us healthy, and encouraging overgrowth of exactly the wrong type of bacteria. The resulting imbalance makes us more prone to disease and obesity, and negatively affects our cravings, our immunity, and even our genes. But beyond the science, what sets The Microbiome Solution apart is Dr Chutkan’s powerful plan for optimising your wellbeing.Discover how our hyper-hygienic lifestyle, enforced with hand-sanitising gels and antibiotics, is stripping our bodies of their natural protective systems; learn about essential prebiotics and probiotics; read a private introduction to the stool transplant, the radical super-fix for a severe microbial imbalance; and cook for thousands of billions with recipes that replenish your microbiome. This book will bring welcome relief to the many millions worldwide who need to grow a good ‘gut garden’ — and enjoy healthier, happier lives.

Nom de fichier : the-microbiome-solution.pdf

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